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Youth Programming

Two individuals working together in the kitchen.Young people with disabilities develop the skills they need to live independently, set their goals, and take steps to reach them, with the help of our workshops and classes.

Youth with disabilities learn self-advocacy, and connect with the community and other youth with disabilities in meaningful ways. 

If you have any questions about our youth programming, email Gerald Hay or call 414-226-8135 V/Relay

Youth Leadership Summit

A week-long summer gathering of Milwaukee and surrounding area high school students with disabilities.
Participants enjoy:

  • Topics such as conflict resolution, college and employment issues, money management, disability rights, healthy and safe relationships and more.
  • Socialization, hearing from college providers, employment agencies and other young people who are successful in the community.
  • Breakfast and lunch included each day, travel reimbursement options and a $100 stipend for participating in the entire program.
  • Learning how to transition from high school to the adult world!

Those interested must apply and are selected to participate.

Contact Kristin Stern 414-226-8332 V/Relay

Making Proud Choices

Highlights sexuality education for youth and adults with disabilities ages 11 and up. Includes issues of sexuality, sexual decision making and negotiation, STDs, HIV, pregnancy and condom use.  

Safe Relationships, Safe Places

Learn about boundaries and personal space, healthy versus unhealthy relationships, dating topics, and abuse prevention. 

Girls First Support Group

A peer support group for girls with disabilities of any kind. The ages for this group are from 8 to 21 years.

My Brother’s Keeper Support Group

Boys discuss what it means to be a man, relationships and dating from a male perspective, friendship, conflict resolution, and dealing with family and stress.  

Summer Workshops

We have a variety of summer workshops that teach different skills such as basic money management, advocacy, and computer skills for daily living. We also have art and cooking classes. Our summer workshops allow people with disabilities to learn something new, develop stronger social skills, and meet new people.