When do EVV Requirements start?
EVV participation begins at your first shift with your consumer.
Do I still need to submit timesheets?
Personal Care Workers can submit paper timesheets only if they have an approved exemption from using EVV. If a PCW does not have an approved exemption, they are required to use EVV. If a PCW has any questions about EVV exemptions, they are to contact their Registered Nurse Care Coordinator.
Do live-in verified care workers need an EVV ID?
No. If a PCW has an approved EVV exemption, they do not need an EVV ID. If a PCW decides they want to use EVV, they will be provided with their EVV ID information during training.
Can I use the Sandata Mobile app (v 1.0) without cellular service or WiFi?
No. With Sandata Mobile, the PCW must be connected to cellular service or WiFi in order to clock in and out at the consumer’s home. If cellular service or WiFi is an issue, the PCW must use the call-in/out system, Santrax.
My consumer only has a cell phone, and it is not a smart phone. Can I use TVV (Telephonic Visit Verification) also known as Santrax?
Yes. A PCW can use Santrax to clock in and out for their shifts.
Where can I find my Santrax ID?
You can find your Santrax ID by calling the EVV Helpline at: 414-226-8381 or by contacting the Registered Nurse Care Coordinator. An EVV representative or the RNCC can provide the PCW with the information. Additionally, the PCW will need the consumer’s Santrax ID when clocking out.
Where can I find my SMC App username?
The PCW’s username is the email address Independence First has on file.
What is Independence First’s company ID number for Sandata Mobile (v 1.0)?
Our company ID number is: 3-88030. With Sandata Mobile Connect (v 2.0), the company ID number will no longer be needed.
Does the Sandata Mobile and Sandata Mobile Connect apps monitor the GPS location at all times?
Sandata Mobile and Sandata Mobile Connect do not monitor GPS location. No tracking is involved. The apps only need to know the location of the PCW when clocking in and out so there is verification that cares took place at the consumer’s address. Services are required to be delivered in the consumer’s home.
What if my GPS is not enabled?
If your GPS isn’t able to connect for any reason or you are unwilling to allow GPS to be used, then you will need to use a different method than Sandata or Sandata Mobile Connect.
What if I can’t clock in/out with the apps or use the call in/out system, Santrax for my scheduled shifts?
The Personal Care Worker will need to order a Fixed Visit Verification (FVV) device.
How do I order a Fixed Visit Verification (FVV) Device?
It’s important to note that the apps can be downloaded on any smart device but if the apps or the call in/out system, Santrax, are not an option to clock in and out for scheduled shifts, please call the EVV Helpline at: 414-226-8381. Someone from the EVV team will be able to assist with obtaining an FVV device.
How do I log a visit that starts on one day and ends on another?
For example, if a visit is scheduled from 11pm-1am, the PCW should clock in and out as normal.
What if my consumer has multiple addresses or phone numbers?
In this case, please consult with the Registered Nurse Care Coordinator and the consumer’s file can be updated, if needed.